smash 250: a peek into the shadows of misinformation and disinformation

By its very nature, this shadow hunting affair has been a shady business right from its inception. Since we have now reached the 250 week milestone in this day and age with so much craziness in the world, it is high time we take a closer look at what is really going on regarding truth and deception with the countless shadows around us. this is especially pertinent given recent events such as attempts by various governments to establish a "Ministry of Truth" and the recent release of the scandalous Twitter files etc..

misrepresentations of truth are not only promoted by organizations with certain unholy political agendas but also governments, the legacy media and of course, a number of social media sites. indeed, we have the same situation here on HIve, even right here in this seemingly innocent Shadow Hunters community. while the great majority of shadows posted here are cleanhanded, forthright and faultless, we are however at any given time in danger of being exposed to any number of blatantly contorted, bent, warped, twisted, buckled, slanted or otherwise malformed and perverted images on this very site.

here is undeniable proof of what i claim. i must stress these photos have not been edited or manipulated in any way

while the shadow of the shopping cart is technically and specifically correct, it nonetheless is a misrepresentation of how the shadow should look. it is too narrow and long to be consistent with our expectations. as such it is clearly an example of misinformation. now admittedly, it is unlikely that the cart was placed this way in order to distort the shape of the shadow. after all, who knows how long it had been standing there behind this supermarket before i chanced upon it. most probably it was placed there at night in the dark so there are no grounds to assume that the exaggerations of the image were made with intent. now that we have established the chimerical nature of shadowy misinformation we can proceed to a far more devious practice.

misinformation done with intent is disinformation, which is altogether more serious. below is an obvious guilty example

now if you happened upon this shadow on the pavement but could not see what was casting it, would you conclude that it was from the very same cart?
highly implausible! it must be from a cage, like the ones used for pets in a car or perhaps an upside down basket or the likes.
but alas. it is no such object. here again is the proof

while the first image of the haphazardly positioned shopping cart was a simple case of misinformation, this last image was taken after the cart was intentionally twisted in order to grossly confuse, disguise and even falsify reality. i know because i myself turned the cart. no, no, not to mislead you, the reader i would never dream of doing that. i did it simply to demonstrate how easy it is to do and so that you may more readily recognize disinformation when you see it.

even though the shadow of the cart is precisely and technically correctly rendered, it is not the shadow of a real shopping cart. that much is certain.
real shopping carts are made of metal!!

this last image claims to be the official contest entry.
this claim has been been fact checked and verified

i wish all shadow hunters a happy new year 2023
may this be the year that we all abhor the evil practices of misinformation and disinformation and let truth reign

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