entry smash 272

the city of Larvik has gone to great lengths to make the center square an attractive place to be for all ages. the square has considerable slope with stairs at both the upper and lower ends. accessibility is well planned, the stairs even have a double railing heights to accommodate both children and adults.
check out the shadows the railings of the upper stairs make

now that you've seen the shadows i hope you are wondering what the railings look like? or maybe even what is so special about the shadow? well here is the thing

on the lower stairs there are railings are at two different heights but they cast single shadows the entire length. the only sign of the railings being double is the bottom end of the shadow. this can happen only for a few minutes when the sun is exactly alligned with the railings. it was purely by coincidence that i was there just the right time- which was for max 10 minutes.

but wait there is more. the sun needs to be alligned east-west but it can be at different heights in the sky. so this phenemenon will occur different times of day throughout the year.

today the shadow of the top railing just happens to fall exactly on the base of the post giving a confusing impression.

and now notice the thin crossbars on the posts

the shadows are perfectly placed on this step (only this one). as the sun gets higher the crossbar shadows move closer together. theoretically they could merge into one single shadow but the sun never gets high enough this far north.

the second image is my entry to this great contest
happy shadow hunting to all.

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