entry 99: reflections on sea ice

when it is cold for a few days in a row with no wind, ice forms on the harbor. though the harbor is salt water, not far away there is a river emptying fresh water into the ocean. this fresh water mostly floats on top of the salt water as long as there is very little wind and waves. there is some blending of the waters and some movement from the waves and tide so the harbor ice is quite different than ice on ponds and lakes

the other day was the first day in weeks that the sun was shining, so of course i was out walking with my camera. it was cold but the sun was so nice and there was virtually no wind. suddenly a fog bank oved in towards land, creating this dramatic scene with the reflections of the sailboat masts on the ice with the dark low cloud background and a blue sky above

here in the harbor the fog was still in the distance and the setting sun created these nice reflections of the herring gulls standing/sitting on the ice and the dock in the background. a boat had passed through earlier and broken up the ice in its path but this has since refrozen.

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