entry smash 189 titled mother and child

one motif i like to capture is people holding hands, especially a parent leading a child. there is a lot of symbology in the act of holding or even shaking hands which varies depending on who is doing it and how. the sensitivity in the palm of the hand is due to a minor chakra which is connected to the throat chakra. we use our hands to express ourselves while speaking. also the words of honest and trustworthy people are connected to their actions (represented by hands).

equally important is the connection with the heart. energy from the heart is passed through the hands so when the hands are joined the hearts are also connected.

a parent leading a child adds an element of guidance and support to the situation. interestingly by focusing on the shadow rather than the individuals involved the symbolism becomes more clear and universal.

now of course parenting is not all idyll, there are times when leading approaches pulling and the harmonic interchange of energies from the heart is interrupted by other emotions. i'm not saying that is what is going on in this next photo but obviously the dynamics are totally different

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