Reflection Hunters Contest Round 71 Entry

To all Hiveans and Ecencians of this platform, a good day to all of you!

It was my work that day, as early in the morning preparing my lunch when I noticed the reflections of the cucumber 🥒 inside the bowl. My obento consists of juicy hamburger, cucumber and “kamaboko” or boiled fish paste. I designed the cucumber in a style overlapping each other in a circle way with cut fish paste on top. The taste was delicious and I had a great day having lunch.

The image that is much closer. I didn’t know the reflection until I was in a hurry that the cucumber was around the bowl so I picked up my phone and shot the image instantly. Luckily, I can share this as my entry for this round 71.

To @olgavita and the Shadow Hunters Community, thank you! As always being supportive to all participants, we are happy to be here and participate. Good luck to all and enjoy reading!

All photos are my original. Thanks for dropping by.


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