Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh Round 297

Hello, all my fellow shadow hunters wherever you are? I hope you are all having fun chasing the shadow as the entry for this fun contest.

I almost missed the deadline to join this week's contest, because the week goes by so fast, and in the blink of an eye, the week has passed without you even realizing it. I think that about the blink of an eye is too much. :)

Anway this will be my entry for the Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh Round 297, and as usual, if you wish to join this contest please kindly read and follow the rules and the guidelines which you can read on this announcement post here

I will start with the shadow of this chair in black and white version. I tried to edit them in color, but the black and white look much better. The shadow is not that strong since I took the photo quite early in the morning where the sun light was not so strong.


The invisible cat. The shadow resembled a cat, but the reality it was just a shadow of leaves.


Diagonal shadow from a straight wall. Very interesting isn't it?


The reality is not the same as the shadow cast by the light. The branches of this adenium are not touching each other, but the shadows look like they are on top of one another. Just like life, sometimes what seen on the outside is not what happening on the inside.


Let the shadow fill the empty space, isn't it? Just a small patch of the bright colored wall which is covered with this creeping fig. The owner used to hate the wall since it reflected a lot of light. Now they seems to happy since it is all green now.


The last photo for this shadow contest post is from a few-month-old photo. I took this photo in the cemetery temple in my hometown during the ceremony.


On the last note, I took all the photos in this post using my Infinix Phone Camera. The result is not as sharp or as good as I was expecting when I bought this phone, but still better than the last one in which the screen has been broken into pieces. hahah

Anyway happy shadow hunting everyone, and always have fun!

PS: sending 5% beneficiaries to archon-gov and also 5% beneficiaries to hive-179017

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