A walk by the lake - Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest, round 155

It seems incredible how quickly time passes.
It's already 155 week? I missed the whole 20 days without catching a single reflection...
But that can be corrected. All that is needed is a little free time and the will to walk in nature
I went for a walk around the nearby lake on a clear and sunny day. Reflections could not be absent.
It was calm weather with no wind and the surface of the lake was like a mirror.

Some may like the photo where the sun's rays are broken by the restless water of the lake...some may like this landscape photo where you can see both coasts and the city in the distance...and my favorite photo is the one where the guy and a girl walking by the shore of a lake and Reflection of a red and white chimney...

Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone

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