Shadows of family hehehe

I've been meaning to join in with the fun, and have specifically taken photos JUST FOR THAT PURPOSE ..LOL

And TODAY I finally get to join in the mix! Hehehe

This one (I hope you can see it) was a fun one!!! My daughter has these sunglasses with golden lenses, and as we were on our walk, she turned her head I said HOLD IT!!! THIS IS FOR SHADOW HUNTERS!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

Take a look ..can you see it???? Look close.... Lol


THAT SHADOW HAS COLOR!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAA. I thought that was the coolest thing!!!!

And then, I became obsessed with getting a family shadows - which isn't always the most appealing for ME!

THEY LOOK GREAT cuz they are all lean and tall. Hahahahaha I have a "curvier shadow" hahahha 😂

But I still love it!!!!

So WHO CAN TELL ME what the 2nd shadow from the left is holding???

Hehehe. It almost looks like he has TWO HEADS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

ONE HIVE for the first person who gets it! 😋


So.... Are you like me?

You've been meaning to join in the fun and just haven't gotten around to it?? DO IT!!! you're never too early or too late .. there is just constantly a shadow waiting to be accepted! 🤗

It's so fun, and @melinda010100 does a great job of making everyone feel like they belong whenever she interacts with you!!!

Don't you just love these challenges that are more about making connection in the Hive community???? I do!!!! 🥰

Can't wait to see yours!!!

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