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Diaries of a Fluffy Rican: Reflection hunting, contest entry, and inner reflections

It's funny, but I feel that some abilities are harder to notice in ourselves, then others. The ability to carve a beautiful table out of wood, in my opinion, has a certain notability factor. Just like being able to listen to a running car, and pin point a malfunction. Is a skill who's blessing to others is pretty undeniable.

Yet there are certain talents that can go under the radar. Sometimes we aren't even aware of our talents, until we're blessed enough to encounter someone who points them out to us.

Other times we stumble upon them by trying something new, or maybe we developed them over time out of sheer commitment to something we enjoy doing.

For long time I tended to shy away from the question, "What are you good at?". I always had a little voice recording that seemed to play, as a response to that question in my head.

The downloaded mental response was along the lines of, "nothing worth bragging about." Though in truth it was rarely spoken from my lips. Yet it's been a resounding audio in my head, for a while.

As I sit here looking over the pictures I've taken over the years. I can't but feel a little bit of pride in them. I admit that I initial motivation was to impress certain people, that I felt were really talented in certain areas. Unaware of my own need for affirmation.

Yet no matter how hard I tried, I never seemed to get the affirmation that my soul craved. I spent years trying to impress people who never understood my need. I'm realizing now, that it wasn't their affirmation that I needed. What I needed was to see it for myself.

I'm grateful to them, though they had no clue what I was trying to do. Unintentionally I've acquired years worth of practice in expressing my creativity. Creativity that I can now access. Continuing to improve on it, whenever and in whatever area I choose.

I've put together these photos for the Shadow and Reflection hunters challenge hosted by @melinda010100, and supported by the Shadow Hunters community.

If you'd have yet to discover them, I highly recommended you head over there. You'll find some amazing photography, and some of the most creative people you'll ever meet.

Thank you for taking the time to share with me. God bless.