"Shadow Hunters Contest Entry" - Just A Fly

This is my entry in the Shadow Hunters Contest which is hosted by @melinda010100! You can learn more about the Shadow Hunters Contest and how to enter HERE!

Just a reminder that the emphasis is on the shadow and not so much the subject! You will understand why I remind you of that as I present to you this lowly fly! Yep ... just a fly! Naturally, I chose to do some edits including this first photo which is my entry.


I think I will show all of my edited photos first and then I will show you my mostly terrible original photos at the end of my post. I think you will understand why I decided to leave the originals last when you see them and also I wanted to attempt to make the fly a little less yucky looking with my edits and I'm not saying that I was even successful in trying ... lol!



I believe this particular fly is known as a Flesh Fly. Flesh Flies do not lay eggs to hatch but instead deposit the hatching or hatched maggots that have already hatched or have begun hatching within their own bodies. I know ... gross! They will deposit them in other gross things like dung and even open wounds in animals which is why they are known as Flesh Flies. I know ... still gross!



I just happened to see this large fly on a truck cap that is in my back yard. As the sun was shining on the truck cap the fly gave off a very nice shadow. I only had my phone camera on me so my photos of the fly weren't the best but the shadow wasn't so bad.



So, there you have it! Just a fly and its shadow!


As promised, here are the original photos and, remember, it's all about the shadow! 😉 😁


Thank you @melinda010100 for the Shadow Hunters Contest and thank you also to all of the sponsors and guest judges!!
All photos and text by me @deerjay. All rights reserved.


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