ROUND 300 of Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest

Dear everyone

This is a shadow photo for a contest organized by @melinda010100

Today I feel lucky because the weather in the sky in my city is very good, so to get shadow photos I don't have to go far like the previous photos, today to get shadow photos I just leave the room when the sun is in the west, look how beautiful mine is today, shadows like art and golden sunlight.

And this is the shadow produced by the pillar where I keep the wooden beams to avoid the rain, and every time the weather is good and the sky is very clear then here there will always be shadows like a magnificent painting, and I am very happy because today I have opportunity to share the magic of shadows with all of you, and I agree if you say my photo is "simple but stunning" and I think yes you should say that because my shadow photo today is very good.

Thank you very much for reading, a little support always plays an active role in increasing the enthusiasm of content creators like us, thank you very much for your generosity 🥰🥰

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