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Tuqueque's Shadow - SMASh Contest #202

Today, I was sitting on the edge of a planter waiting outside my dentist's office when this little gecko and his shadow appeared next to me.

In Venezuela, we call this house gecko "tuqueques" or "limpia casa" (clean house). They are typical of warm zones, and here they are pretty common.

They are totally harmless and characterized by emitting a squeak that they do to mark territory or court females, from what I have read.

There are usually a lot of them in my house; they usually feed on insects, but they also love some fruits. They don't spare the bananas in my kitchen if there are any very ripe ones.

As soon as it became aware of my presence, this one quickly hid among the bushes.

This is my entry to Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest - Round 202.

Thank you very much for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

You can find me at


January 19, 2022