Butterflies in Love for SMASh Contest- Round 294

Have you ever seen butterflies making love? Yes, I don't mean feel butterflies when you are in love, I mean see two butterflies mating.

This weekend on one of our walks the husband and I had the opportunity to see a couple of butterflies mating. And although we may have seemed a bit stalkerish to them, they very calmly despite the audience went about their business. šŸ¦‹šŸ˜†

We took pictures of them. Some of them with their shadows are very cool. Which gave me the idea to make a post to participate in the Shadow Hunters contest. It's been a while since I participated in one, but better late than never, right?

So let me share with you some photos and the short video leading this post of these butterflies in love.


With this one šŸ‘† I'd join in the Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest - Round 294.


To mate the butterflies unite by sticking to each other but facing in opposite directions.



It's amazing to see them flapping and even flying attached to each other.


According to Google Lens, these are Adelphas butterflies. Nature is simply wonderful and never ceases to amaze us.

Thank you for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

The music in the video is from the YouTube library with a free license to use. Dove Love by Quincas Moreira.

Ā© CoquiCoin

November 5, 2023

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