Shadow Photo /SMASh Contest - Round 322 Graduate Shadow

Hello friends and Hivers. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Today I take my attention to the Shadow Hunters Community to show a very proud shadow of mine 😊 A simple competition where anyone can share shadows to win some cool prizes. The new round is fresh and if you want to give it a try click here. Just be sure to read and follow the rules to be eligible.

Entry photo

Well my entry photo is of a young man who is part of the class of 2024, my son 😊 I took this photo with my cell phone at my home prior to taking him to his graduation commencement. I'm really glad I took it because it would be the only opportunity of getting a close up photo of him wearing everything. I just regret not being included in it as I thought I would get one after graduation.

I love how the shadow of him cast his graduation cap πŸŽ“ His attire looks off a bit but that is because it is a very windy, doesn't affect the shadow though 😊 It also shows some tree and deck shadows on my very green grass. Oh I will probably mow on Sunday, it will be the third time already. Just glad spring is here already 🌼🌱

All soon to be graduates all have to make an entrance. Being that my last name begins with an "A" he was one of the first ones to walk in. It's really cool how the arena lights casted some nice chair shadows in all these photos. Some are faint while some are darker.

There are times I realize I need a real camera not one that is an accessory to a phone. An occasion such as this would have been nice since we were a good distance away. Perhaps I need to take a serious effort to save for one.

When all soon to be graduates were in front of the chairs it was a count of 317 for the class of 2024. This took some time and him walking at the begining allowed a trip to the restroom and concessions. It was like intermission but I tell you it is was no way near the halfway point. With about a dozen speakers it was a commencement that lasted well over 2 hours. My son was there over 3 hours. Long but well worth witnessing this important moment in his life!

On a shadow point of view not a lot here but a few shoe and stage shadows. However this moment was the grand finale for me. This was the moment my son approached the stage from the ramp and got up on stage to receive his high school diploma. It was nice to hear the appreciation via cheers, hand claps, and yes even air horns from the crowd when his full name was called. It was moment for me as I had some reflections of the past 17 years in my mind. Time certainly felt like it just flew by. I held my emotions back enough where I didn't tear up or sob πŸ˜‚

So being in the arena with a good crowd of people the temperature certainly felt warm. When we met up with my son he was already outside and had the gown and cap off already. Underneath he was wearing a nice black dress up shirt and black pants. He was hot and wanted out of the gown because he was sweating. I wasn't going to make him put it back on for the sake of more pictures. Plus I could sense he didn't want a photo shoot πŸ˜‚

Yesterday was another proud moment being a father and I'm so glad that almost all photos I took had shadows. It great to share this experience with this great community. Thank you @melinda010100 for always putting this on every week.

Take care all, stay safe and enjoy your weekend. Until next time!

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