Shadow Hunters /SMASh Contest -Round 297 Entry

Hello friends and Hivers. I hope everyone is doing great. I'm doing good almost over a cold I have been fighting. Today I take the Shadow Hunters/Smash Contest Round 297 Contest host by @melinda010100.

My Monday and Tuesday were too close together. I had to work my normal shift on Monday which is 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We had an outbound passenger mission to work in the early hours of Tuesday. I worked my eight hours on Tuesday from 1:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

I caught this beautiful pre sunrise sky. I knew there was going to be some shadows popping up soon. With out the full circle of the sun, shadows are really close to their objects.

Here we have two shadows. One is of the ramp and scale as a whole. The other is the rail casted on top of the scale. Yes it takes up some surface space but does not register a weight obviously.

Here we have a gazebo which is used as break area for us outside. I was on break but it was a tad bit cold to spend all of it outside sitting underneath it. A nice shadow projected that looks larger than the gazebo.

Everyday I check out vehicles during the morning time. Well I check out different ones each day, I kind of go through a rotation. I also see so many shadows doing this on sunny days. Here I took a picture of a shadow while sitting in a forklift. I figured I do so while positioning the forks all the way up. Also if you look at the shadow you will see my shadow selfie in the cab 😊

Here is another shadow of the forklift showing how the sun decided to cast its shadow. In this position you can see forklift mast, lift cylinder, load backrest, carriage and side/tilt cylinders. It's amazing to see both in the real sense and in its shadow. It's cool to see it's front more in the shadow than in it's real form!

Entry Photo

Here we have a shadow projection from the sun hitting a window on an entrance door and placing it just off center on the closest adjacent wall. What do you see with your imagination? I see a child standing maybe watching some cartoons on a hung up television on a wall. Might seem simple but it was a shadow I just couldn't ignore.

Here is the actual window on that door. An information sign on the outside and some stickers showing that door is an automatic opening handicap equipped door. The shadow is so much cooler right? Well my imagination told me so, haha.

Unlike the projection above I ran across one on another wall that was empty. Time to make my own shadow. I wasn't super creative I just did a thumbs up. Hand shadows can be fun but honestly I was just trying to get the thumbs up look but it kinda looks like a four legged pet of sorts. A pug nosed cat?? Anyways let's say it's a big Chuck Norris thumbs up showing approval for shadows 😊

As I come to an end here I just want to say it's been a pleasure searching and creating shadows yet again. Hope you enjoyed the few shadows I shared today. I will definitely keep them coming because it's really a fun activity to do.

Thank you so much for dropping by it's very much appreciated. Take care, stay safe and enjoy the remainder of the week. Until next time!

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