Reflection Hunter's Contest Round 116

This post and photo above is my entry to the weekly reflection hunters contest round 116, organized by @olgavita in the #shadowhunters community. I shot this on Sunday evening and didn't realize the beautiful reflection until I got ready to send it to a friend moments later. It was also my last photo of the day.

It was almost a photo not to be. I took the shot from a fishing dock where I was fishing. So if you stay with me I will take you on my day journey before I took this photo.

I woke up at about 5:30 a.m. The first thing I did was open up my work laptop. Yes, I brought work home with me this weekend. Trust me it's not something I'm very found of doing. I had to though because I had track and babysit a request I sent out of Friday.

It's not something I can really go into but it took up about 90 minutes of my time. My main goal for the day was to get some time for myself. I was hoping to go fishing in the early afternoon. My mind was telling me 2:30. After putting away my work laptop I got requests to make pancakes.

No big deal I'll whip some up right away. Where's the box with premade mix? Oh no were out but I decide to do them from scratch. Throw 2 cups of flour in a bowl, grab some milk, drop two eggs in, a couple table spoons of sugar, a pinch or two of salt, and than I go grab a skillet. I look for the baking powder and I find it but it only has about 3 teaspoons left I really need about 5.

I'm into deep now no turning back. I pour a little vegetable oil in the pan, here we go. They look ok but I do notice they aren't super fluffy. As an added measure I add cinnamon sugar and powdered sugar on the top. Time to serve, I ask my table mates how are they? They both give me a look and say their ok. Oh well they finished them and no one complained.

Afterwards I do the dishes, some laundry, and some kitchen cleaning. Before I know it it's already 11:00. I direct my son and tell him to get in the shower. He has to do some clock work for an adult basketball league at 12:00.

I get in my car at about 11:30 to drop son off at his high school. He will need picked up at about 2:00. I get back home at about 12:00 to go to the garage to fetch the lawn mower. It took about an hour and a half to mow my front and back yards. I also mowed behind my back fence where I have a fire pit.

I'm all work and no play yet. I feel like doing what my English Bulldog was doing when I got inside, haha. I can't yet, still stuff to do. I change clothes and head to school to pick up my son.

We return home and I have a few things yet to do. I washed our bed linen so I go down stairs and it is not completely dry yet. I clean the lent out of the dryer and restart it.

While the dryer is doing it's thing I pack the car with my fishing gear and other things. Only thing on my mind is getting closer to my fishing destination. I go back inside grab the load in dryer and head up stairs and make the bed.

One step closer, I head to the car and realize I need to pick up ice. I stop at the gas station, get ice and fill up the tank as well. It's now close to 4:00 and where I want to go is about 30 minutes away.

I finally have arrived at my destination. I had the feeling that I had to work for it to get here. Seeing the trees and the woods on the drive thru the park puts me at ease. Just a little bit ahead is a small pond where I will go into my zone.

Things started off great, first cast I pulled in a small large mouth bass. After that I fished more but didn't catch anything else for another 30 minutes. I ended up catching 2 more bass about the same size. Also got 5 brim aka small blue gills. The mom and dad fish were not interested. Some of there kids were and I threw them back so they could play more, haha.

I did have surface bite as I was reeling in that would have been a nice CPR (Catch, Picture, and Release). It was another bass about 4 lbs, I seen it as it was only 3 feet away from me. The lure was almost out of the water when it hit it, so I wasn't disappointed missing that one.

Around 7:30 I packed up and decided to eat a sandwich I packed. I was sitting on a picnic table on a fishing dock (pictured above). After finishing I took a picture of the sunset straight ahead. I shared the photo with a friend on discord. I had no idea it at had a really cool reflection until I looked at it in my photo gallery. So there you have it, one last photo shot has landed me here today writing an article about it :) I tell you I had thoughts of almost not going here. I didn't have the best fishing experiences but I'm proud of the reflections in this photo.

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