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Plants! Plants! (Entry for SMASh # 229)


Hola, chicos y chicas, estoy de vuelta en otro SMASh esta vez el número #229, después de ausentarme unas entregas les traigo esta sombra de plantas, pregunté que tipo de planta era o cómo se llama pero quienes estaban cerca no supieron decirme con exactitud, me gusta la primera sombra porque me parece como si fuese de árboles grandes! Pero no eran de un matero.

Espero les guste 😊😊😊

Hasta la próxima oportunidad!

Fotografía propia y texto original.


Hello guys and girls, I'm back in another SMASh this time number #229, after being absent a few deliveries I bring you this shade of plants, I asked what kind of plant it was or how it is called but those who were nearby did not know how to tell me exactly, I like the first shade because it seems to me as if it was from big trees! But they were not from a little plant.

I hope you like it!!! ,😁😁😁

Until the next opportunity!

Own photograph and original text.