Thank God, I Have Children. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 330

There are many simple experiences and blessings around us that we do not take notice of. Some of them, we actually recognize them but we just treat them like normal simple entitlements. The question I want to ask us is: what about those who long for but do not enjoy these entitlements?

I have heard stories and witnessed many women and couples who spend their time, energy, and money looking for babies. Some have been so passionate about having their own biological babies but are unable. Are those ones not entitled to what we are entitled to? I do not think so! I think that we deserve to thank God for giving us children that we could call our own.

If you are among those who don't have their own biological children, don't feel offended. Please, don't allow the situation to weigh you down or give you a bad impression about life. In whatever nature offers us, we should be grateful. If adopting children is your lot, be happy and raise those kids to become your objects of pride.

My children are very playful just as every other child could be. That is generally the nature of children. It is bad to extinguish them when they are bringing forth their talents and natural abilities.

The picture I used in making my entry for this #shadowhunters contest is that of a cycling device my husband purchased for exercise. My children play a lot with it. As you can see, they have dumped dirty clothes on it. I wanted to yell at them and beat them up but I just realized that there are many homes where the playing of children is missing. I thank God, He has blessed me with children.

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