In Progress; Completed; Abandoned. #Reflection Hunters Contest Round 164

We have several structures in our community. They are of different sizes, different models and of different status. These houses can be grouped into three categories. Those which are still in progress, those which have been completed, and those which have been abandoned.

In Progress

When something is in progress that means work is still on. It means work on it is in progress. Houses that are in progress signifies that the owners are very much alive and active. It means that there is hope in the structure.

Every structure is built by some man. If nobody builds it, it will not be built. It might take some time before it will be ready. But if the work on it is in progress, one day it will be completed. The right perspective with which we should view issues in our lives should be with the hope that no matter how long and tedious the process is, one day we shall achieve our goals.


When the structure is completed this shows that the owner’s desire and expectations have been fulfilled. The desired structure has been elected. A completed house is ready to be inhabited. In a completed structure, every component of the structure has been properly constructed.

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