A Day At Home. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 315

The children are playful. They love fun. They like playing. Keeping them neat and clean is one task that I do frequently at home.

Today is another day of doing my children's laundry. They have been wearing many of them at will and when they got dirty, they dumped them in the basket for me. On a daily basis they change their clothes.

My kids are very young and can't help in washing. I only teach the boy who is older how to wash his socks.

When I woke up, since I had plans of doing the laundry today, I fetched water. I got the water from our deep well. I fetched enough water to be able to finish the washings.

Then I took the detergent and started the washing. I spread what I washed on the frame for drying.

I would still have to do a few things for my home today. I'm not going to shop today. The girl living with us will help us get to market and buy food stuffs to prepare food. In the evening we will be going to church for the evening Bible Study class.

A friend had contact us to help them get land in our community. My husband will be going to get the land agent who sells land in the area. Thereafter, he will get to the printing press to do some work.

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