Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh. #286

***Shadow of me with Lee and Eden ***

One of me at Tulum a couple of weeks ago

Last week we attended the Moon Walk - with the full moon rising.. I love the long shadows and couldn't resist taking this photograph for the contest on Shadow Hunters.

There were about four bands situated along various points of the promenade. We were just talking about how bands are disappearing as DJ's are taking over.

Then my son shared a song with me about "Where have all the guitars gone?" and it really made me think - so true that we don't see too many bands these days. Sad, but true and I wonder if we'll ever get back to Rock n Roll. Also two very big music stores near us are closing down.

As my daughter is a DJ, I guess we just have to go along with the times. Still it makes me happy that all three of my offspring played guitar and Eden and one of my boys played piano.

Playing a musical instrument is so important and I wish they would make it compulsory for children to play a musical instrument at school.

Sorry for going off on a tangent - back to the moon walk - it was a lovely albeit very hot evening. We had some homemade beef burgers from one of the stalls run by friends of ours and then went for a short walk. Lee and Eden walked a little further and I hung around with the friends.

Some moon shotsfrom the eveningtaken along the way

Thanks to @melinda010100 for a wonderful contest that has been going for 286 weeks now and thanks to mods @annephilbrick @seckorama and @olgavita for making Shadow Hunters Community so great! Behind the scenes there is much work going on and we appreciate you.

Thanks also to all the sponsors.

Please join the contest here

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