Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh 332

Throughout last week, their has been a havy rain in my area and because of that, their was no sun and i couldn't capture any shadows. Glad this week is different. We had sun and i was able to go out to capture some interesting shadows. My daughter got sick and i have been treating her. About four days ago, she came back from school with another high fever. I took her to a nearby health center for proper body check up. While we were entry the health center premises, i saw something interesting on the ground. Do you know what it is? Do you care to know? It was the picture above. And when we are climbing the steps, i saw another one. Check it out below 👇.

Interesting right? I also got some of the buildings pillars. See the shadows yourself.

These was the ones i was able to get this week. See you with more shadows next week.

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