Window in the clothesline and its shadow

Hello everyone,

Today I am doing some work around my mother's house, painting the wooden windows in the middle of summer to prevent them from being damaged in the winter.

To paint the windows I have used a pearl grey synthetic enamel paint and because of the smell of the enamel and the solvent I have chosen to paint them outside on a small support I have for cutting firewood.

Where will the clothes dry quicker?

Since I didn't know where to put the windows so that they would dry quickly, I thought that I would put the clothes on the clothesline to dry quickly, so with the help of some wires I fixed the windows on the clothesline and as a surprise I got this shade for this week's competition.

I will leave you, there is still work to be done painting more windows and doors.

Best regards, friends.

Own photograph taken with my iPhone SE.

Cover, separators and banner created with (free version).

Translated with (free version).

Link to SMASh contest 281 organized by @melinda010100

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