Water Interpretation Center. SMASh Contest 259

Hi friends,

This week, to continue with the challenge of participating in all the editions of the SMASh contest organized by @melinda010100 every week I am going to share with you a shadow captured in the water interpretation center of Albacete (Spain).

This municipal property is divided into a museum that explains the chemistry of water, water purification processes, the different uses of water and many other water activities that in a few days I hope to write in detail.

On the other hand, in the same enclosure there is a chemical laboratory where I have gone to give a training course.

Also within the same enclosure, on the top floor are organized various art exhibitions, while there are municipal offices and various associations of the city.

Just when I was looking at the works of art in the corridors, I found a pleasant and harmonious shadow generated by the different paintings, the arches of the windows and the shadows caused by the moving water of the water ponds on the roof.

Photography submitted to SMASh Contest Round 259

In addition, this water interpretation center has a large tower that was once a water tank from which there was a great view.

Best regards

Own photograph taken with my Sony Alpha 6000L.

Cover, separators and banner created with www.canva.com (free version).

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

Link to SMASh contest round 259 organized by @melinda010100

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