Reflections of ancient Egypt with lead miniatures

Yesterday afternoon I visited the citadel of Jaca (Aragon), very close to the border with France, with its peculiar pentagonal structure that made it impassable for many centuries.

Inside this castle, fortress or citadel, I hired a guided tour, which I will tell you about in the next few days, but at the same time it houses several museums and one of the most impressive is the Museum of Lead Military Miniatures, with up to 32,000 pieces in total.

The visit to the museum is very well divided, as each exhibitor shows several battles in a chronological tour.

Ancient Egypt

Greek and Persian

The Roman Empire

And so on to the present day.

I also hope to find time during my holiday to write a monograph of all the photos I have taken.

With regard to the reflection competition, I would like to show you one of the photos I took in the Egypt model, where you can see the palm trees reflected in the Nile in this model.

I hope you liked the reflection and also this preview of a great story told with lead miniatures that I am looking forward to write in the next weeks.

Kind regards

Cover and separators created with (free version).

Photographies taken with my camara Sony Alpha 6000L.

Translated with (free version).

Reflection Hunters Contest Round 126 Link

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