My cat welcomes me by wagging her tail and giving me a beautiful shadow. Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh 244

Hi Hivers friends, one more day I'm in front of the computer writing my weekly post for the participation in the photo contest organized by @melinda010100 in collaboration with @seckorama from the wonderful #shadowhunters community.

SMASh Round 244

I would like to take advantage of my participation in the contest to congratulate the rest of the winners of the previous round and also the honorable mentions for their splendid entries.

You can find the announcement of the winners with the great works published in the following link.

Winers and honorable mentions SMASh 242

As I have told you on some occasions, Catalina is a cat that I adopted a few years ago when she was quite malnourished. She appeared in the vicinity of my mother's house and little by little, after feeding her over the months, she started to trust again in human beings and specifically in me and my mother. Since that first encounter with us, at least four years have passed and since then and since then, every time I come to see my mother on weekends, what I am going to tell you below happens.

One of the moments that gives me more illusion to arrive at my mother's house, is to see the great welcome that Catalina usually gives me. I think she identifies perfectly the sound of the engine of my vehicle, because in case she is not in the garden of the house, I usually see her running towards our house on the way to give me a warm welcome.

The greeting, I usually start with a few meows in the distance, continues with a fast walk until about one meter away, then she starts meowing very softly and wagging her tail quickly as if she were a puppy. Finally, once I crouch down to the ground, he comes up to me and starts rubbing himself all over my hand and feet.

This weekend, when I arrived at my mother's house, I did the same process, but at the same time there was again an intense sunshine after days of autumn rains, which allowed me to photograph Catalina, giving me some nice shadows to share with the #shadowhunters community.

Photography submitted to SAMSh R-244

I hope you like my contribution this week and have a nice week.

Original photos taken with my iPhone SE.

Cover created with Canva (free version).

Translated with (free version)

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