A walk through Castro-Urdiales

Castro-Urdiales Promenade
Sculpture honoring ancient whale fishermen
Castle and lighthouse of Castro-Urdiales (XII-XVI century)
Views from the Castro-Urdiales Lighthouse
Church of Santa Maria de la Asucion (XIII-XV century)
Cliffs of Castro-Urdiales
Salad of shrimp, octopus, onion, bell pepper, etc. (Seafood Salpicon)
Port of Castro-Urdiales at night
Multiple reflections in the promenade
_Main jetty with the red entrance lighthouse providing me with reflections that invited me to go towards it.

Photography submitted to Reflection Hunters Contest Round 116_

Hello friends,

It's been a while since I last wrote from the #Liketu page and today I felt the need to return because of its ease of use to elaborate my posts.

Along the pictures I comment a nice walk I took through the city of Castro-Urdiales located in northern Spain.

I started the walk after working in the promenade of Castro-Urdiales, where the view rests to observe open spaces and the serenity that gives a calm sea and see the boats moored in the harbor. In the background, in the first picture you can also see two of the most important monuments of the city.

At the end point of the promenade stands out above all a large sculpture where there is a whale fisherman. The reason for this sculpture is that many years ago Castro-Urdiales was an important whaling port and was the livelihood of many people in this town.

Next, I approached the first of the most important monuments of Castro-Urdiales which is the lighthouse which in turn was originally a castle. It is a very old building, but perfectly preserved, which can be visited for free and from it you can see beautiful landscapes of the city.

The other most important monument of the city is a large church located next to the lighthouse. Like all Gothic temples, it is always pleasing to the eye and its location on top of a cliff gives it a plus of beauty.

Very close to this place, there is another walk that takes us along paths near the cliffs on the outskirts of the city. Simply beautiful to see a sunset even if it is cloudy in this place.

After the walk nothing better than enjoying the local cuisine. As a good coastal city there are plenty of restaurants where you can eat delicious seafood and fish dishes. In my case I ordered a "Salpicon de marisco", which is made with shrimp, octopus, onion, olive oil, bell pepper and pieces of lobster.

After dinner I made my way back to the hotel and took several pictures of the fishing port in the vicinity of the lighthouse and the church.

Finally I also took some photographs of the reflections of the lights of the promenade on the sea. In the case of the last photograph I managed to also photograph the flashing light of the red lighthouse, giving a plus of beauty to the photograph.


Own photograph taken with my iPhone SE and Sony Alpha 6000L

Cover and separators has been created with www.canva.com (free version)

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

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