I was looking for a photo for the Photochain Challenge and I found some reflections for the Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 90

Hi Hivers friends, one more day I'm in front of the computer writing my weekly post for the participation in the photo contest organized by @olgavita from the wonderful #shadowhunters community. I think I've been participating for a few entries in a row now and I hope I can keep contributing reflections to this beautiful community for many more weeks to come.

Link to Reflection Hunters Contest Round 90

I want to take advantage of my participation in the contest to also congratulate the other winners of the previous round and also the honorable mentions for their splendid participations.

Last weekend, because I didn't have a suitable photo to participate in the Photochain Challenge organized by @davidesimoncini in the #feelgood community, I went to a small town near my mother's house called Navia, which has a small fishing port. Those of you who don't know the contest organized by @davidesimoncini I leave you here a link and I assure you that every week is a challenge to get the photo that has the two elements necessary to participate. Specifically, last week I needed a photo of a boat and a light bulb and finally I got the picture.

Photochain Challenge new round

When I was happy to find the photo to participate in the contest, from the breakwater of the port I looked towards the shipyard and saw that the shipyard building was reflected on the water of the port, although the quality of the reflection was not very good because the waves and the wind breeze disturbed the water surface.

At that moment, I turned a little more looking towards the marina and saw that several boats and even the sun were reflected on the surface of the water with the advantage that the water being more stagnant, the quality of the reflections improved substantially.

Still not satisfied with the result, I decided to approach by a gangway to get a better perspective to better capture the reflection of the boats and a pole between the boats.

Photography submited to Reflection Hunters Contest

In addition, as I was leaving the port I took the opportunity to take two more pictures of other boats with their reflections in the water.

Happy to get all these photos, I was then able to take a leisurely stroll knowing that I had new photographic material to share with all of you.

Best regards to all the #shadowhunters community.

Cover created with https://www.canva.com (free version).

Pictures taken with my iPhone SE.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

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