Inevitably, we all started laughing

What a great time I had with my friends last weekend.
Like every summer, on a Saturday or Sunday in July and August, we organise a lunch in a recreational area.

This time, like the last three years, we went to the recreational area of As Pedreras, because it is a green area, very convenient for parking and because it has lots of swings and slides for the children to play on, especially my friend Javier's daughter.

We took a lot of drinks with us for lunch.

And Yose delighted us with his wonderful omelettes as an aperitif.

Then we went for a barbecue, which we had ordered from a nearby restaurant.

But the funniest moment of the day came when Daniela's chick burst onto the table.

I started playing around with taking pictures of the chick's reflexes, thinking about the weekly reflexes competition organised by @olgavita.

I say it was the funniest moment because by activating the mechanism, the chick started moving and banging against the phone, making one of the girls in the group laugh because it reminded her of her boyfriend when he approached her with amorous intentions.

Inevitably, we all started laughing.

A greeting

Cover and separators created with (free version).

Photographies taken with my iPhone SE.

Translated with (free version).

Reflection Hunters Contest Round 127 Link

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