First Christmas-themed entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest


We are already very close to Christmas Day and for this reason the streets of towns and cities begin to be decorated for the occasion.

Large metallic trees abound with flashy lights emulating the traditional fir trees.

Different decorations in the form of large gift boxes or emulating the crowns of the Magi become an attraction.

Many stores place special decorations on their doors because of this holiday season.

Concretely, when passing by this morning I noticed that on the blue balls you could see the reflection of the street and I had no doubt that it was my first entry related to Christmas for the contest organized by @olgavita hunting reflections.

This last picture is the one in which I managed not to see my cell phone in the reflection and in which I managed to capture completely the building that is right in front of the store that had the ornaments.

My entry to Reflection Hunters Contest Round 144

Greetings and have a nice Christmas.

Cover and separators created with (free version).

Photographies taken with my iPhone 13.

Translated with (free version).

Reflection Hunters Contest Round 144 Link

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