A sunny Saturday in the supermarket. SMASh 241

Hi Hivers friends, one more day I'm in front of the computer writing my weekly post for the participation in the photo contest organized by @melinda010100 in collaboration with @seckorama from the wonderful #shadowhunters community.

I want to take advantage of my participation in the contest to also congratulate the winners of the previous round (@gems.and.cookies, @jewelsofaura, @ivycrafts, @clarysa, @kaazoom, @sammy00, @nenio, @prudensm, @evagavilan2 and @ifarmgirl) and also the rest of the honorable mentions (@twicejoy and @borjan) for their splendid participations. Every week we see that the level is higher.

Every Saturday morning, the first family task I do after taking a shower and having breakfast is to go to the town of Tapia de Casariego (Asturias-Spain) to do the weekly shopping with my mother. I think I have been doing this routine for the last 7 years since my father passed away because my mother does not have a driver's license and can not travel to this big supermarket being 10 kilometers away from her home.

After making the purchase and once I left the shopping in the trunk of my car, I noticed that the supermarket had changed the type of shopping cart and this one had the peculiarity of having a lot of grille that together with the rays of sun that had this morning projected the following shadows that caught my attention.

As usual I took three shots from different perspectives, and as always I didn't know which one to choose for the contest. This time I assigned each photo a number (1, 2 and 3). Subsequently, I wrote on three papers the numbers 1, 2 and 3. The result after mixing the papers and asking my mother to choose a paper was the paper with the number 3 and therefore the photo number 3 is the selected one.

Photography submitted to SAMSh R-241

I hope you like my contribution this week and have a good week.

Best regards friends.

Original photos taken with my iPhone SE.

Cover created with Canva (free version).

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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