A Sunday stroll with a final shadow hunt (SMASh Contest 322)

During my Sunday stroll I walked along the paths near my mother's house, hunting for reflections, clouds and flowers.

Part of my walk was near the school where I studied my elementary school years.

Everything was the same as on the last occasions I was walking around this place, except that in the courtyard they had placed a new playground for the children.

Or maybe it was for some physical education test for the younger children.

What I do know is that for me, it was a pleasant surprise to have a new entry in the shadow hunting contest organized by @melinda010100.

My entry to SMASh Contest

Best regards.

Cover and separators created with https://www.canva.com (free version).

Photos taken with my iPhone 13

This post is my entry to #SMASh Contest Round 322 organized by @melinda010100.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

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