My Entry for the Shadow Hunters/Smash Contest Round 318

Hello, my dear people of the @shadowhunters community. I hope we are happy and engage in activities to keep our joy full.

I am here again with my entry to the best contest in the world, the contest I would never afford to miss, the #shadow hunters/smash contest. This is my entry for this round, round 318.

This time is gonna be different. For this round, I am going to tell you a story with shadows. Anytime I wake up in the morning, my first house chores is to sweep the house, from the rooms to the balcony. I washed some of my dresses yesterday night and planned to sundry them this morning.

After sweeping the rooms, I came out to sweep the veranda. I came out with my bucket of clothes to spread them outside immediately after sweeping the veranda. When I came out of the sitting room, behold the beautiful works of the sunrise. Shadows everywhere.
I went back inside immediately and picked up my phone to get some shots.

Sunrise is a call to shadows. As long as one is not staying in a treeless environment or desert without obstacles, there must be shadows as long as there is sunlight.
I got a shadow of our foot mat too.

After sweeping, I went downstairs with my bucket.

I rinsed the washed clothes again before going to spray them.

The sunrise was also a call to laundry as I wasn't the only one washing at that time, my neighbor too came out to wash. She is an obstacle to the sun's rays too, so she casts shadows which I also snapped.

After spreading the clothes, I went back upstairs. This is the shadow of the padlock used to lock my staircase door.

If you notice, as I was closing the door gradually, the shadow was diminishing.Till the whole shadow vanished, the light rays were blocked by a larger obstacle.

This is a shadow story of how part of my morning chores were achieved.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have had a great time checking up on this post. Thanks and have a great day, love you all 😍😍😍😍😍.
All the photos were taken with Android phone and sharpened with my phone sharpener.

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