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Shadow Hunters Contest Round 195th - Betel nut's shadows

Hello Shadow Hunters wherever you are! This is an entry for the Shadow Hunters Round 195th hosted by @melinda010100. My husband brought a motorbike and I rode behind, suddenly I saw a lot of shadows of some trees on the road. Then I asked him to stop for a minute to take some photos when we visit uncle's house to attend his son's wedding party. The village is located in a remote village. There are some pictures that we managed to take on the way to his house. This is one of them:

Hello Shadow Hunters dimanapun kalian berada! Ini adalah entri untuk kontes Pemburu Bayangan Putaran yang ke 195. Berangkat dengan sepeda motor bersama suami untuk mengunjungi rumah paman untuk menghadiri pesta perkawinan anaknya. Desa tersebut terletak di sebuah desa terpencil. Ada beberapa gambar yang berhasil kami ambil ketika menuju ke rumahnya. Ini adalah salah satunya:

This is the shadow of the betel nut that almost fills the small road leading to his house. The village is known for its sweet potato farmers and the largest cattle farm in the sub-district. Many people in urban areas move to villages because they think they are comfortable and free from pollution.

Ini adalah bayangan pohon pinang yang hampir memenuhi jalan kecil menuju rumahnya. Desa yang dikenal dengan petani ubi dan peternakan sapi terbesar di Kecamatan itu. Banyak penduduk di perkotaan pindah ke desa karena menurut mereka mendapatkan kenyamanan dan bebas dari polusi.

The motifs and shapes that emerge from the shadows are interesting to me. Some of them I have made into wallpaper on my laptop. And there are still some photos that I will post in the next contest. Hope you like it!

Motif dan bentuk yang timbul dari bayangan tersebut menarik buat saya. Beberapa di antaranya sudah saya buat menjadi wallpaper di laptop saya. Dan masih ada beberapa foto yang akan saya posting di kontes selanjut. Semoga kalian menyukainya.


Greetings to all from me and nice to meet you all Hivians on this platform.
Thank you for visiting and reading my blog
Have a nice day!

If something's wrong or incomplete, please do not hesitate to let me know.

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I welcome comments, suggestions and corrections.