Reflection Hunters Contest Round 45th - Beautiful reflection in the fish pond

This is my entry to join the Reflection Hunter Contest hosted by the Shadow Hunters Community and hosted by @annephilbrick. I took this photo when our family and I went on vacation on Sunday. The name of the place is Lancok which is located in Syamtalira Bayu District, North Aceh Regency.

Ini adalah entri saya untuk bergabung dalam Kontest Pemburu Refleksi yang di adakan oleh Komunitas Shadow Hunters dan di host oleh @annephilbrick. Foto ini saya ambil ketika kami bersama keluarga pergi untuk berlibur pada hari Minggu. Nama tempatnya adalah Lancok yang tedapat di Kecamatan Syamtalira Bayu Kabupaten Aceh Utara.
The reflection of several coconut trees on the embankment of the fish pond belonging to the residents there. Most of the people there work as fishermen, freshwater fish farmers, sellers of fishermen's catches, sellers in small cafes on the beach, and farmers. This area is increasingly recognized by the people of North Aceh because of its tourist attractions and unique culinary delights (Mie Aceh and Seafood).

Bayangan dari beberapa pohon kelapa yang terdapat di atas tanggul tambak ikan milik warga yang ada disana. Kebanyakan masyarakat disana berprofesi sebagai nelayan, petambak ikan air tawar, penjual hasil tangkapan ikan nelayan, penjual di kafe - kafe kecil di tepi pantai, dan petani. Daerah ini semakin dikenal oleh masyarakat Aceh Utara karena tempat wisata dan kulinernya yang khas (Mie Aceh dan Sea food).


This is a fishing boat building, fishermen always visit this place if they want to buy or repair their boat. Before the Lancok tourist area was known to residents, people often went on excursions to Ujong Blang, which is located in Lhokseumawe City. But unfortunately, tourist attractions in Ujong Blang have few visitors because the beaches have been damaged by Tsunami and sea abrasion.

Ini adalah tempat pembuatan perahu nelayan, nelayan selalu mengunjungi tempat ini jika mereka ingin membeli atau memperbaiki perahunya. Sebelum daerah wisata Lancok dikenal warga, masyarakat sering bertamasya ke Ujong Blang yang berlokasi di Kota Lhokseumawe. Tapi sayangnya, tempat wisata di Ujong Blang sudah sedikit pengunjung karena pantainya yang sudah rusak karena Tsunami dan abrasi.

If you are interested in participating in this contest Reflection Hunters Contest hosted by @annephilbrick, please read the RULES
Reflection Hunters Contest Rules.
Have a nice day!
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