Reflection Hunters Contest Entry Round 41 - The Old Bus Stop

Good to see you in this community! This is my latest post for Reflection Hunters Contest Round 41 of the Shadow Hunters community hosted by @annephilbrick. In Indonesia, it has entered the rainy season where you have to prepare all the necessities such as umbrellas and raincoats. I got these Old Bus Stop photos when I shopped at the oldest market in North Aceh. Let’s check it out:


Senang bisa ketemu kalian di Komunitas keren ini! Ini adalah entri postingan saya yang terbaru untuk mengikuti kontes Pemburu bayangan refleksi atau pantulan putaran 41 dari komunitas Pemburu Bayangan. Di Indonesia sudah memasuki musim penghujan dimana harus menyiapkan segala keperluan seperti payung dan jas hujan. Gambar ini saya dapatkan ketika berbelanja ke pasar tertua di Aceh Utara, mari lihat fotonya:


The reflection of the old bus stop was caught on my camera above a puddle of rain and also the lights that don't seem to work anymore. This Sunday is the most boring day due to bad weather, even though I have made an appointment with my children to go on vacation to the beach while grilling fish and chicken because my first son will go to school tomorrow and take his exams.


Pantulan halte tua itu tertangkap kamera saya di atas genangan air hujan dan juga lampu penerang yang sepertinya tidak berfungsi lagi. Di hari minggu ini adalah hari yang paling membosankan karena cuaca buruk, padahal sudah membuat janji dengan anak – anak saya untuk pergi berlibur ke pantai sambil bakar ikan dan ayam dikarenakan putra pertama saya besok akan masuk sekolah dan mengikuti ujian.


This old bus stop is located in the terminal for Labi – Labi cars (a kind of pick-up car that has been modified into public transportation). Around it there are several empty stalls and no sellers occupy them. Their reason is because the place is difficult to reach by the community and they prefer to sell near the road. The location where I took this picture is not far from the traditional fish market and vegetable market, only about 50 meters away.

Halte yang sudah tua ini terletak di terminal untuk mobil labi – labi (semacam mobil pick up yang dimodifikasi menjadi alat transportasi umum). Disekelilingnya terdapat beberapa kios yang kosong dan tidak ada yang penjual yang menempatinya. Alasan mereka karena tempat itu sulit dijangkau masyarakat dan mereka lebih memilih berjualan di dekat jalan. Lokasi tempat saya mengambil gambar ini tidak jauh dari pasar ikan dan pasar sayuran – sayuran tradisional, hanya berjarak sekitar 50 meter.

If you are interested in participating in this contest The Reflection Hunters Contest hosted by @annephilbrick, please read the RULES


Jika kamu berminat untuk mengikuti kontes ini The Reflection Hunters Contest yang diadakan oleh @annephilbrick, silahkan baca RULESnya


Have a nice day!



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Greetings to all from me and nice to meet you all Hivians on this platform.
Thank you for visiting and reading my blog
Have a nice day!

If something's wrong or incomplete, please do not hesitate to let me know.


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I welcome comments, suggestions and corrections.

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