SMASH Round 231- Shadows on the Sea

Hello SMAShers... I am joining another week of the Show Me A Shadow contest initiated by @melinda010100.

The sea is my therapy. When my life seems so chaotic, I find tranquility in the sea. Just by watching the calm sea and hearing the sound of the waves as they smash on the shore, I felt relieved and my stress seems to be washed away.

Today I feature shadows I captured while enjoying the beauty of the sea and sunset. These two are perfect combinations that co-create the most beautiful scenery you can imagine.

As the sun sets, a blast of orange color from the sun lightens up the sky and is scattered among the clouds as dark shadows are cast on the glass-like tranquil sea. What a breathtaking view. I am glad I had my camera with me to take a photo and freeze this moment.

Another sunset scenario that creates a silhouette gives me the impression that there is light even on our darkest days. The sun will eventually appear to give us hope for another day.

There are times that we want to escape from the shadows of the past and voyage into the unknown. This "balsa" make me feel that way. Can I just hop onto this vessel and let the current of the sea take me wherever it is?

Life is full of shadows. But is up to us if we let darkness overshadow us or come out into the light.

Thank you and have a beautiful day!

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