Shadow Hunters 314: Through the Seasons

Cruising by the seasons

Hello, Shadow Hunters! It's finally time for me to share my contribution to the Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest- Round 314 before the week is over.

This time, let's have some more indoor shadow photos, won't we?

About a month ago, I shared that we went to this new exhibit at the Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundations - Through The Seasons With Eric Carle : A New Exhibit at the Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundation. There were lots of lights at the exhibit, and of course, what do we get? Shadows!

Summer has the most shadows

Summer, of course, gave the most shadows. I shared some photos on the post I mentioned above, but here are some more of my favorites.

Little Miss says it looks like it's photoshopped, especially with the shadows, but it's as it is, no edits. Oh well, I took the photo specifically to capture the shadows so that I could share it here in the community.


More shadows from the giant reeds here, and a bit more focus on the sunflower.

Can you see the people enjoying the weather?


An Autumn Selfie

The summer heat had finally subsided, autumn is finally here! But first, selfie! πŸ˜‰ ✌️


After that mandatory selfie, let's go to business.

There were lots of autumn harvest on display. Why don't we support the local farmers?

Here, take a basket and get your favorite produce.


Chilling in the Winter

While the bears were hibernating inside a cave, I took the chance to take a selfie.

One... two... three! Say, "Shadow Selfie!"

Oh goodness, this was so fun!


Tip... tap... Splash...

Hang on, what's that? Were those raindrops that fell on my face? I looked around. The ice had melted and the plants and flowers were budding again.

Oh yes, it's Spring!


The kids and I had fun cruising through the seasons, and finding shadows along the way. And hey, we were able to do that in less than an hour! πŸ˜‰

All photos are owned by the author unless stated otherwise.

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