Forest in the lake

This is my next reflection for the contest from @annephilbrick.

So it turns out that I fix all the reflections of trees, forests, and the sky in lakes and ponds in the morning. More often at dawn, when the sun rises.
Why is this happening? Because in the morning there is time for walking, and in the evening on weekdays you come home from work and there is no time for walking.
And on weekends in the evening there is all sorts of homework.

Especially beautiful full-color, multi-colored reflections of the forest in the water are in early autumn, when the leaves on the trees begin to turn yellow. And the morning sun also adds beauty. It adds soft warm tones to this natural picture.


At least, I personally think so. Of course, I am not an expert in natural beauty, but living in nature develops a certain taste for natural beauty.


It's raining outside today. And this is on a day when I work remotely from home. Why is this happening? Why on a normal weekday, when you have to sit in the office, the weather is 11 points out of 10, and on a weekend it sometimes deteriorates to a level below 0.


But a long time ago, my father - in-law told me-there is no Sunday without the sun. And he's often right. The sun suddenly appears at sunset. It seems to say-tomorrow will be Monday and the weather will be fine again!


The photos were taken on one of the lakes closest to me.


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