Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 7

In an effort to help the Shadow Hunters Community grow we are now including Reflection photos.
I am excited to be hosting a weekly.....

Reflection Hunters Contest

Image credit @melinda010100

Round 6 is now closed


Welcome to Round 7

5 Winners will be chosen and each Winner will receive 3 Hive and 100 Ecency POINTS.

The Shadow Hunters Community~@melinda010100 ~ @galenkp~@traciyork and are contributing prizes.


•🔆Place your entry link in the comment section of this post !

• The photo must be your own.

• One entry per person.

• The title of your post should make clear that it is an Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest.

• Post in the Shadow Hunters Community hive-179017.


If you create a post with multiple reflection photos, you should state which one is your entry, otherwise I will assume it is the first photo.

img_0.116466520450514.jpgImage credit @brittandjosie

Reflections can be found everywhere.

Show Me A Reflection


The Shadow and Reflection Hunters Community is grateful to all who set the community as beneficiary on their posts. If you would like to help the community, you may also delegate HP to @hive-179017. Your support will help in building higher VP and higher votes on your posts.

All comments written on Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, and Ladies of Hive Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.


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Partnered with ARCHON
Comment and earn tokens!

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