Opuntia mosaic - Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest- Round 272

Hello and welcome to my entry to the Shadow Hunters contest

This shadow belongs to the Opuntia or Prickly Pear cactus. I found it while walking and exploring the "Cacti garden". The garden is located in my hometown of Holon, Israel. There are a lot of different species of cacti in the garden but the Opuntia crates the most interesting shadows.

I love this shadow because it looks like a mosaic with interesting abstract patterns. As a bonus the shadow lyes on a white mosaic-like stone walking path. While I was examining the shadow different animal and insect shapes revealed themselves.

Opuntia cactus

If you want to know more visit the Shadow Hunters community
👉 created/hive-179017

If you want to participate in Shadow Hunters contest visit
👉 @melinda010100/shadow-hunters-smash-contest-round-617b7fc67f95e

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