-An Entry into the Shadow Contest/SMASh 265

-Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you are doing well and fine together with your friends lovedones and family.β€οΈπŸ˜‡πŸ™


My mom, my son and me went to church to attend the Holy Mass. We decided to stay outside for fresh air since the homily of the priest was heard outside. While my mom and my son finding a bench to sit, I took the chance to capture some photos.

This is the shadow of me,, standing and preparing to take pictures

This place is nature-friendly, trees, flowers and plants around me. It is not a big church but the ambiance is so peaceful with clean surroundings. It gives me a calm and refreshing feeling, let me give you some of the views that I captured.

In this video you can see me again., my shadow I mean hehe capturing the beauty of the pink rose flower beside the church hehe beautiful right?

This is the shadow of one side of the fence infront of the church with plants, you can still see the beauty of it even on its shadows and how it protects and beautifies the churchyard.

And this Last photo is my entry to this contest! Where you will see the clear color of the sky, and the shadows on the wall and structure, created by the trees leaning on the roof the church and the shadows at the ground of the churchyard too. In totality of the view of the photo it gives me an admirable, beautiful and great feeling by looking at them..so peaceful.

If you want to participate in this SHADOW HUNTERS CONTEST/SMASh kindly check it out!

Always keep a beautiful smile like this πŸ‘‰πŸ˜and let God be the center of life forever and always in Jesus name, please dont forget to pray!πŸ™πŸ˜‡

All photos are captured by me

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