Entry to the Reflection hunters contest

“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.”– Henry Ford

Hi guys. I hope you all are fine. I am fine as well. This is my entry to the #reflection hunters contest.

This is my entry photo. I took it yesterday. It is a place in a nearby village. I have always loved sunsets. These look very peaceful and alluring to me. I loved this moment a lot because I saw that the reflection of the things in the surrounding water looked so pleasing and soothing to the eye. What else do we need if we get to spend such evenings with our loved ones.

This place is called Rohal Khan bugti. These are mainly rice crops which are owned by the local villagers. The local villagers are very friendly. It is a known fact that most of the South Asian women engage in agricultural work. So is the case here. Women are seen working here in fields on daily basis to sustain their lives in this age of inflation.

I have always found solace in photography. I like taking pictures a lot. It eases a lot of stress for me. Yesterday, I went out with my friends for a walk. I could not get some spare time for myself during past few weeks. I could not even take pictures because of the busy schedule. Now that I got some time for myself, I captured these reflection photos.

I am intrigued by the word reflection itself. It carries a lot of deep meanings. I wish to reflect on my decisions that I made in my life. I also wish to learn from my mistakes by reflecting on them. This is what I was talking about to my friends when I took this picture. We should try to remain humble in our lives.
Do you reflect on the decisions that you make or the mistakes that you have made in your life? How often do you reflect on your mistakes and decisions?

Thank you for your time and support. It means a lot to me. Do share your thoughts and feelings in the comments section below so that we can learn and grow together. Do not forget to follow my account for more such content. Have a great day ahead.

Ps: The pictures are mine taken with my googel pixel

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