Splinterlands Giveaway #27

This weekly post is a casual place for new people to Hive to connect, comment and learn the basics. I have a few token tips I can hand out as well. Let me know if you have any questions I am happy to help where I can.

To participate in this give away, all you need to do is comment.

To be in for a chance to win comment below:

Rule 1 - Comment any thing below with your Splinterlands @{username}

Rule 2 - Winner will be randomly drawn with this tool:
Hive Random Comment Picker

This week's winner will get a Merdhampir.

Even though this card is a cheap common card you still need a lot of them to combine and level up, and every bit of card power helps with your progress.

If you do not play splinterlands I will send some other LOL, LUV or Pizza tokens of similar value.

I plan to do a giveaway each Monday.

Last weeks winner! I will send your card now

I have been experimenting swapping/trading/flipping between Hive and HBD in my wallet. Seems simple and free, You just need to keep a bit of liquidity and swap when one or the other feels high or low.

Do not forget Powerup day on the first of every month!

I am enjoying "Stardom Play" a new hive game easy, simple to start off and not that time consuming. Also mobile friendly if your out and about. I am up to level 15 and half way to purchasing my first pack of cards with stardom token. A few snack box nfts which boost your energy and speed progress up.


Check my post on which cards I purchased to breakout of Bronze League and start getting some better rewards in Splinterlands.

Rising star game is quick, easy, fun and free based on the music Industry


Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list below.
@lukeeeyy @diogenes.cynic @crackyup @jessgwynne @consciouscat @maccazftw @new.aaron @mateyevans @cteaho @essleshal @vidus4evz @tengolotodo @terbmada @ianballantine @treefrognada @kickinaround @thishuman @bhabb

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