The Artistic Sarinah Mall Jakarta

The Artistic Sarinah Mall Jakarta

Hello everyone...
How was your Weekdays? Did you do good?

By the way, recently I visited a mall in central Jakarta, but when I was inside I felt like I was entering a museum because this mall contained several works of art and photography that told stories about Indonesian history. So what is the name of this mall?

This mall is Sarinah Mall which is in the center of Jakarta. It is located right in front of the Sarinah bus stop.

About Sarinah Mall

I don't know much about Sarinah Mall, what I do know is that during the pandemic this Mall was one of the malls affected. Instead of closing this mall, it is actually carrying out renovations and making its appearance even better and more architectural. Something big dark happened in this mall, adding to the black list in history? Indonesia. But that's all gone with the mall's new look, more attractive appearance.

Sculpture, Representing 60's era

This is a Sculpture, a big Sculpture Which is there in middle of mall. The Sculpture is about the early 60s era, when Sarinah is Still a Traditional market in Jakarta. Years by years Sarinah has now been renovated and being one of big mall which provide all about traditional Stuff.

I have never seen the sculpture this big. It was my first time enjoying the biggest sculpture in Jakarta. Unfortunately, the designer or the maker of this big sculpture is still unknown, but it is definitely G.O.A.T!

The Photos Told The History

This is the photos which was take decades by decades. It was told about how time changed all aspect in Indonesia, including culture. Each photo represented how camera was regenerated, started from black and white photo era till color ohoto era. This space is awesome. By this wall we could learn about our culture, and our history.

String Art

This is String Art which representing how Indonesian society works in 60's era. The art shows men and women doing works like plowing fields, selling around, and many more that I myself could not define it. The main thing is, the art show peoples in 60's era.

The cool thing about this art was how the maker made it, it was String Art.

String Art is the art of knitting threads on nails to form an image pattern. What a superb art!

the right photos is vice president of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. K.H Ma'ruf Amin and the left side is President of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo. Both of those made by String Art.

This President and Vice President was created by The Disability Work Without Limits Foundation which aims to enable people with disabilities to work without limits. I totally surprised by that fact!

This is a space filled with various traditional toys, which can be bought as souvenirs. Looks, It's a puppet. Did you know puppet?

The Ceiling

Instead of decorating the ceiling with sparkling decorations, the ceiling of Sarinah Mall has stretched batik cloth. As you know, Batik is one of Indonesia's cultural heritages which is still preserved to this day.

Sarinah Mall is one of the beautiful and unique mall in Jakarta. The place is very strategic and the architecture is contemporary

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See you...

All photos taken by my Samsung Galaxy A22

Vivie Hardika

Hi, Halo, Annyeong! Welcome to my galaxy.

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.
Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author, traveler wannabe, and blogger.

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