Installing New Stuff For My Kitchen's New Look

Hi, Architecture+Design community...

Did you ever think about redesign your kitchen? Like sorting and changing the old stuff with the new stuff? So do I.

Last month I think my kitchen is full of kinds of stuff. Actually my home. Then I saw a video TikTok about 'if you still use and save the broke stuff in your home, It maybe make your level can not go up, or God will not give you more fortune cause you make that happen by collecting the damaged items or not used kinds of stuff.

After watching that video I deeply think about my lifestyle and looked back at what my home used to be like. At that time I read a guide book how to be minimalist entitled 'Dhansari', so I thought there was nothing wrong to applying what I have read.

So I start to redesign my kitchen and throw away the old stuff. I bought a new table.

Installing A Table to My Kitchen

Installing the table is not as difficult as when I installed the cabinet a few months ago. ( Installing New Minimalist Cabinet ), maybe because this furniture is smaller and simpler. It's like a puzzle game and I didn't have to put much effort into installing it.

The reason why I bought this furniture because I really like the minimalist concept. Even though the white color gets dirty easily, especially if it is placed in a place like a kitchen, I still choose white furniture because apart from the nondescript color, the white color will give an aesthetic impression in my small kitchen.

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I bought this table at a marketplace, so when it came, it was a package and not yet assembled. It has a few parts in it and it doesn't look that hard to assemble. The screws and screwdriver are even included, so it only took me a little bit of logic to assemble it.

These are the tools needed to assemble a table. The amount is even excessive.

Let's get it!

Step 1

This is the two pillars of the table. Made of small and very light iron, so it is not difficult to move it. To make these two pillars support each other, I have to link one wood between the two pillars and repeat the same way to every hole at that pillar. It is too easy to do.

It is the result.

Steps 2

Before doing the next step, I flipped the pillars first, then screwed the big board like the picture above. This step still easy to do cause I just need to tighten the bolts in each hole there.

So this is the looks of the table after I screwed the big board to the two pillars, and actually it can be use directly, but still there is one step to make that table looks perfect.

Step 3

The last step to make my table perfect is screwed the last board in the table foot. That board can be use to support any item such as ingredients, a pestle, or etc. To make it happened, I just screwed that like I have done in the previous step.

Now, my table is perfect! I just have to move it to the kitchen and arranged the other stuff so my kitchen can easy-eye.

After I tidying up all stuffs, then this is the new look of my kitchen.

Even though the house that I lived is still rental, I always try to make it clean and comfortable cause the clean and the comfy home will make your mood and your mental is good so you can be more productive than before. I proved that before I rearrange my kitchen, I lazy to cook or make some breakfast there. Now after the new looks of my kitchen, I like to cook my breakfast or my lunch. I always have a good mood to cook after throw away old stuff and change it to the simple one.

So It is valid if I say that a better interior will make your mood nice.

You have to prove it yourself.

Thanks for reading my blog. All pictures are taken by Samsung A22


Vivie Hardika

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.

Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author.

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