Architecture of Kamboja Atrium, Pantai Indah Kapuk

Kamboja Atrium

Hi guys!

Last day I have an experience to visited Pantai Indah Kapuk, one of a luxury place in Jakarta area. Then here is it, I end up in Kamboja Atrium.

If we see the looks of Kamboja Atrium, it is looks like new Mall in PIK. Looks fresh and elegant.

  • The Lobby

The Kamboja Atrium has different and uncommon lobby. They were just have one floor with simply lobby. There's no security checking in the lobby, the visitors just through the lobby without any contact with the security there. I don't know why they do that, for me a new visitors it is a freedom era hahaha...

In Kamboja Atrium has many small and rectangle pool like the picture above, it was the first pool that I saw and there are another pools on the mall.

  • The Fountain

In the middle of Kamboja Atrium there is a fountain on the big circle pool. Besides, there is a circle bench also, so visitors could sat there after windows shopping.

I like this spot cause this architecture are interesting! You could see in the middle of the pools there is a tree with the big hole on the roof. I imagined when the tree growing up, it would make the pool looks artistic!

  • The Pools

I have ever said that this mall has so many pools indoor. I don't know why but the pools make the mall has European vibes. In the middle of the all pool there is a big tree. This is proves that they care about the environment. Genius!

This architecture looks elegant and minimalist. There is no another level but main level. Yup, the Kamboja Atrium just has one level, unlike another mall that I have visited in Jakarta.

The outlets neatly lined up in the right-left side of the building. They looked classy and fancy.

  • The Roof

Besides about the pools which has the tree on the middle, Kamboja Atrium was designed their roof with an environment also with creepers adorning the wooden frames. By the way, all the woodbind is authentic not artificial.

The wooden frames of the roofs remind me of Japan. Did you agree that the roof frames are typical Japanese design?

Simple and elegant!

  • Visitors Space

Kamboja Atrium has a lot of visitors space which is freely to have their time there. Looks the pictures above, they were provided several bench for visitors.

  • Parking Area

This is parking area from apart. Since they never had another floor so there is no basement as parking area. The Parking Area there is in east lobby with large yard but I think it would be crowded in the weekend.

In the parking area they were planted the coconut tress, which is make those place looks beautiful and awesome.

I think in the future we did not need a mall with 3rd or 4th floors. Kamboja Atrium which is there have no another level still being a cozy place to visit to.

Their elegant and full of environment design could make us feel like abroad!

How about you?

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!

All photos taken by Samsung Galaxy A22


Vivie Hardika

Hi, Halo, Annyeong! Welcome to my galaxy.

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