Architectural Mandalas

Here are three more architectural mandala edits from downtown Chicago.
Geometric skyscrapers can take on a whole different form when manipulated.
The first mandala is based of this really skinny pie shaped building. I can only imagine how cramped the corner offices must be, this sharp edge has to create lots of unusable space inside. But the drastic acute angle makes for an interesting shape outside. Way up top the even carved out an opening that goes from one side of the building to the other that acts as a large viewing balcony. This is the five one five building that has some condos and office space in it. Just imagine living in a studio apt on the pointy side of this building...

The sharp point made for a great star shape after I sliced it up a bit and mirrored that geometry a few times. Imagine trying to fight in this octagon ring with sharp points in each eight corners. Or maybe this is an ancient Japanese throwing star made from folding steel countless times.

The day was dark and gloomy when I shot the photo so animated it in an inverted state to keep it monochromatic in nature.

This next photo is from the north side of the Wrigley building. It has a nice classic vibe compared to all the shiny modern buildings next to it. They sure don't decorate and design buildings like they used to. Everything has to be straight lines and maximum footprint with lots of reflections.

After editing the Wrigley building I ended up with a tunnel starburst shape that created an endless tunnel. I would imagine this being the interior corridor to a massively tall condo complex. The catch is there are no elevators in this building to if you live on the top you have to hike your way up to the top every day.

I had fun turning the blue sky yellow in the edit of this one. Perhaps at night they activate the colored leds to illuminate the courtyard.

The next image is of the "bean" a common tourist destination for anyone who goes to Chicago. The actual sculpture is called cloud gate designed by Anish Kapoor. It reflects the surrounding skyscrapers nicely and if you walk under it your reflection gets really distorted like in a carnival funhouse mirror. On this day I went there early to try and avoid too many people posing in front of it, but even early in the morning there are people there.

Here is what the bean turned into. Some kind of chrome hot cross bun? Or maybe it is a really large robotic egg starting to go through mitosis inside. It will eventually grow to maturity as just another shiny skyscraper that will meet the skyscraper of its dreams then procreate and lay some more shiny eggs around town for the humans to be enthralled with.

During mitosis the cells pulse with a bit of color as the heart forms inside. Beware touching it at this phase as it will absorb your energy to help it grow.

That's all for now thanks for looking at these mandala creations. You never know what a random architectural snapshot can turn into if you zone out and manipulate it in random ways.

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