Aesthetics Architeture and Unique Design of Islamic Center in Lampung

Hello Architecture+Design Community 😊
Come back again with me @romirspc here and today i want to share about Aesthetics Architeture and Unique Design of Islamic Center in Lampung to all of you guys.


Islamic center is a building owned by an Islamic religious institution that is used for a meeting to discuss Islamic culture. This building is usually located in many places in each area and has a unique and different architecture in each area so that a lot of the general public come to see the uniqueness and beauty of the architecture of Islamic Center Building.

A few months ago my family was going to visit our cousin's house which happened to be not far from the Islamic Center Building, which is located in Lampung, precisely in the Tulang Bawang area, so we decided to stop for a while to rest and see the beauty of architecture and the environment there.


The first thing that caught my attention was a stone hill carved with the faces of local heroes during the colonial period, I was very amazed by the facial details that were very similar to the original plus the various abstract shapes that were under the faces of the heroes that made it very aesthetic. . This reminds me of the Naruto anime, where there is a mountain carved into the shape of the hokage's face in Konoha Village (lol) 😂

This beautiful architecture of course becomes very iconic and gets a lot of attention from the public to visit and take photos of it, like the photo above is photo of my beautiful cousins with my uncle, what do you think guys? very cool, right?


The Tulang Bawang Islamic Center is the largest Islamic Center in Lampung province and has an area of more than 1 hectare besides that, there are several unique buildings like my photo above, there is a traditional house shape, usually this building is used for residents who come to take pictures (you can see lots of visitors photographed there) and this building functioned as a meeting place for regional officials.



You can see how beautiful, unique and neat the environment is with the traditional Lampung building where in front there is an artificial lake and surrounded by clean green grass making it very perfect. For information, the Islamic Center really maintains cleanliness so that if there are visitors who litter, they will be penalized in the form of a monetary fine of IDR 15,000 or $1 USD as a cleaning charge.


There are interesting things that exist in the artificial lake, namely there are lots of tilapia which are taken care of by local administrators and visitors are allowed to feed by buying fish food sold there besides fish that are ready to be harvested are also traded to visitors who will earn the money. will go into the Tulang Bawang regional treasury.


Next we will focus on the building that is next to the Traditional Lampung House, namely the Islamic Center Building which has an interesting architecture. Here we can see the shape of the building which is like a prism which symbolizes like a traditional hat, typical of Lampung. This building is used for Islamic religious events and local Islamic culture, besides that what makes it beautiful is that it is located on the edge of an artificial lake and is surrounded by trees so the atmosphere is very fresh.


If we enter the Islamic Center Building we can see something aesthetic where there are many pillars in it and if you look up at the roof / ceiling there are carvings with Arabic writing made of ceramic making it very unique.


Well this is also my favorite part, which is on the other side of the room, there are several pillars equipped with wooden fences around it and a very beautiful roof. Maybe you are wondering what form of carving on the ceiling of this room is the Lampung alphabet. What do you think guys? very unique right?

Thankyou for visiting/stopping to reading this article, don't forget if you like this article you can upvote, rehive or reblog and let's be friends with follow each others for sharing perspective and thoughts together :)

See you in the next article Architecture+Design Community 😊

All Photos was taken originally by me @romirspc with my camera phone Xiaomi Note 10 Pro


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