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Incredible India - Episode - #4 Safdarjang's Tomb

Welcome back to another episode of Incredible India. In the previous episode, I talked about the first Garden Tomb in India, the Humayun's Tomb. Whereas in this episode we will get to know about the last Garden Tomb in India, the Safdarjang Tomb.

Safdarjang's Tomb

It is a sandstone and marble mausoleum in Delhi, India. It is the last monumental tomb garden built by the Mughals in India. The construction finished in 1754. It was commissioned by "Shuja-ud-Daulah" as a tribute to his father "Safdarjang", who became the prime minister under Mughal Emporer Mohammad Shah's rule over the country.[source]

Stone plaque placed outside the main gate

Sarfarjung's Tomb front view

Heavy use of arches in the main tomb

How to reach

Located at the junction between Safdarjung Road and Aurobindo Road in New Delhi. There is a nearby airport called the "Safdarjung Airport". You can also take a private cab or auto-rickshaw from the Jor Bagh metro station to reach here. It is well connected to the outside world.

The tomb complex remains open during the daytime every day. Location with proximity to the Humayun's Tomb, tourist doesn't miss this easily.

Architecture and Design

Red sandstone and white marble is heavily used in the main tomb. The complex is enclosed with stone walls on all four sides. There is only one entrance to the east. The tomb encompasses a beautiful garden, a unique sign of the Mughal architecture era. The most famous garden tomb is the Taj Mahal.


The entrance to the tomb complex is a two-storied structure located on the eastern side.

Entrance gateway to the monument complex on the eastern side

Stone plaque placed outside the entrance

View of the main tomb from the entrance gateway


A three-domed mosque is built within the complex where the prayers were being offered daily.

Mosque in the complex, to the right side of the entrance gate

Main Tomb

The main tomb or just Safdarjung's tomb is a double storied mausoleum. It has very elaborate ornamentation over the plastered surfaces of the roofs and gates.

View of southern façade

Isometric view of the Tomb

Red and orange sandstone with white marble used outside the tomb

Beautifully carved arched gate leading inside the main chamber

View from the raised platform at the main tomb

Floral design on the outside walls (not exactlly the Mughal's style)

A controversial trident shape engraved outside the walls (trident is associated with Hindu God Shiva as his weapon)

Tomb of Safdarjung placed in the center of Mausoleum

Close up view of the central tomb of Safdarjung

Ceiling at the entrance of the tomb.

Interior inside the tomb

Mughal Garden

The Safdarjung tomb is placed as central focus of Persian and Mughal styled Charbagh. Charbagh is a popular Persian style quadrilateral garden layout. It is divided into four segments with walkways and water channels on the four sides.

Garden encompassing the tomb

Trees planted along the walkway on the east side

Mughal garden

High bricks and stone walls surrounds the complex from all sides.

Let me know what are your thoughts about the place. Would you like to visit this place when/if you come to Delhi? Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Thanks for reading.

Namaste 🙏

Stay tuned for more episodes...

Previous Episodes

Ep - #1. Kailasa Temple

Ep - #2. Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya

Ep - #3. Humayun's Tomb


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Photos taken from my phone (excuse the camera quality 😅) and edited using "Snapseed" app.
  • Text dividers are from @cryptosharan.

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